Friday, June 21, 2013

Welcome Message from Koushinkai Karate

I’m excited, and a little nervous, to launch this blog. I hope that the information we provide will be educational to our club members, informative to people considering our club, and interesting to casual observers.

Before we begin posting information about our philosophy and training methods, I want to make it clear that it is not our intention to be disrespectful to any other Karate club at BYU or any martial art in general. I’ve been fortunate enough to have trained with and been befriended by many different styles of martial artists and encountered many philosophies that contradicted my own. I hope that the information we post is not interpreted in a way that other martial artists think we are belittling what they do. I wholeheartedly believe there is a lot we can all learn from each other.

The information posted in this blog will focus on the material being covered in our BYUSA club practices. We hope to actively update this blog. We also have a facebook page that we use to post practice times and locations. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit to see when/where our next practice will be.
