Thursday, August 15, 2013

Koushinkai Kumite and Yakusoku Kumite

On the top left and bottom right images, Kumite is being practiced. You can see the outline of electric tape that limits the sparring area to a 10x10 area. This is one of our basic drills that involves incorporating full-contact style sparring in a confined space and encourages combinations rather than single strikes. It forces people to become comfortable with having an attacker in their face and reacting appropriately to the attacks.

On the top right and bottom left images, one of our Yakusoku Kumite drills is being practiced. In this drill, the person on the bottom is trying to escape. Unlike grappling arts, the purpose of this drill is to create space, sweep or escape, and scramble back to the standing position, taking the least amount of damage in the process. We are not attempting to pin or submit our attacker in this drill.

Koushinkai teaches that practical self-defense is much different that combat sports. We are constantly pushing ourselves to improve within our existing drills but we also recognize the limitations of those drills and the fill the gaps in training with other drills. For this reason, there are many drills within the system and many more to come!
